How to build your own skincare routine

It can be confusing knowing where to start when it comes to skincare, especially if it's something you are new to.  You may be drawn to purchasing a 3-step system, because they seem straight forward and easy.  However these pre-made packs are designed to target just one concern, (such as acne) but what happens when you have more than one concern?

Many people suffer with multiple skin concerns at any given time. For example, acne is often accompanied with excess oil, redness and dehydration.  Wrinkles and sunspots are often forming at the same time as our skin starts to dry out and feel rough. 

Things start to get tricky when we start googling for additional products to try and combat other skin conditions not covered by a basic 3 step routine. More importantly many brands or products don’t work together in harmony, or may be harmful when combined. (You can always check this by messaging the company before you purchase something new)

So how many steps should there be? 

That all depends!  A complete skincare routine should have 7 - 8 steps; however, we don’t recommend jumping into a large routine from soap & water.  It’s best to start with your key basics and work up from there, talking to a skincare specialist as you go.

The 4 Key Basics for new skincare users 

  • Cleanse
  • Exfoliate
  • Moisturise
  • UV protection

    Now this is just a starting point, if you want to keep it simple.  It's a very basic routine and won’t correct all your skin concerns, however it will improve the overall health, cleanliness and feel of your skin.  Ensure you can follow these 4 simple steps as directed before moving on to a full routine. 

    If you aren’t new to skincare and know the basic 4, let’s jump straight into a full skincare routine and discuss what happens in each step.

    How to select the right products for you

    Step 1.  Cleansing 

    A deep cleansing gel or foam is best for problematic skin including oily, breakout prone or acne skin types.  A deep cleansing gel is also recommended for normal skin types who:  Get dirty at work, do intense workouts often, wear makeup, wear heavy sunscreens.

    A rich cleansing cream is best for dry, dull or mature skin types, richer cleansing creams replenish moisture in the skin during cleansing to ensure the skin stays well hydrated.

    If you have sensitive, fragile, dehydrated or reactive skin you should look for a cleanser designed especially for sensitive skin types. These cleansers are often mylks or balms and maintain the skin pH and barrier functions during cleansing. These are also excellent for morning cleansing as they are extra gentle.

    WHEN TO USE  Once in the morning & twice at night.
    HOW MUCH TO USE  The size of a 20c piece, follow directions as each product will vary.


    Purity Cleansing GelAll skin types, especially problematic, oily, people who get dirty at work.

    Superfood Cleansing Mylk, All skin types, especially sensitive and dehydrated.

    Vitamin C Cleansing Cream, Dry, mature and dull / pigmented skin.

    Cleansing with Lekura's Charcoal Jelly Sponge

    Step 2. Exfoliating 

    There are 3 types of exfoliating methods: Physical, Enzymatic or Chemical.  Physical simply means a skin scrub.  You manually work this product over the skin and buff away the dead skin cells from the surface.  Depending on what ingredient makes the scrub component it can determine the skin condition they are best for, ultimately they aren’t designed for sensitive skins and great for dull and dry skins.

    If you have sensitive, reactive or dehydrated skin we only recommend enzymatic exfoliation. However, enzymes are amazing and recommended for all skin types.  The beauty of enzymes is they only remove the dead skin cells and leave your healthy cells in-tact, making them extra gentle.

    Chemical exfoliation isn’t as scary as it sounds, we aren’t talking about lathering your face with burning chemical acids (although it sounds this way). “Chemical” is referring to the type of reaction seen when the product interacts with your skin cells.  AHA’s is a common ingredient we hear about; this stands for Alpha Hydroxy Acids. We derive this from fruit and formulate it to be very gentle when blended into topical skincare, this form of exfoliation depends strongly on the Ingredient. 

    Here's a list to make it simple:

    AHA’s (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) and Lactic acid are best for anyone serious about anti-ageing.  Known to be excellent for fine lines, wrinkles, discolouration and sunspots. 

    BHA’s (Beta Hydroxy Acids) are best for acne and congestion as it’s attracted to oil blockages in the skin.

    WHEN TO USE  Changes with each exfoliant, follow the directions but usually 2x per week

    HOW MUCH TO USE  Creams & gels squeeze out the size of a 10c piece  Powders & microfoliants, 1 teaspoon mixed with water to form a workable paste  Pads, 1 pad per use.


    Vitamin C Exfoliating Cream , Chemical(AHA’s)  and physical scrub,  best for dry, mature and sun damaged skins

    Superfood Microfoliant, Enzymatic (Fruits) best for sensitive and great for congested & breakout prone skin

    Skin Renewal Beta-H Pads, Chemical only (BHAs), best for congestion &  acne 

    Vitamin C Exfoliating Cream

    Step 3. Masking

    The beauty of a face mask is you can target different areas of your face easily.  We call this multi-masking.  It’s good to have a few different face masks on hand so you can alternate each week  or multi-mask when required. For most people the T-zone (across the nose, middle of chin and middle of the forehead) a purifying mask is best to help eliminate blackheads. If you have oily skin or acne you may do this all over. Everyone needs a hydration mask, especially around the eye area and others may need a moisture or skin brightening mask on the cheeks or all over. 

    WHEN TO USE Once a week 

    HOW MUCH TO USE  An even coat that covers your skin, a full face is usually comparable to the size of a 50c piece 


    Purity Charcoal Mask Removes oil, pollution and dirt from the pores

    Superfood Hydration Mask, Boost water content and calms irritated skin

    Vitamin C Brightening Mask, Adds moisture, plumps and brightens

    Purity Charcoal Mask

    Step 4. Hydration Mists & Toners

    This step is often missed but so unbelievably important.  Soon as you start to use a serum you should be using a hydration mist or tonic. They are designed to balance your skin's pH after cleansing or exfoliating and also boost the water content in your corneocytes (the skin cells you can see). Taking them from flat dehydrated cells  to plump soft cells. This increases delivery of your active ingredients when applying your serums, oils and moisturisers. 

    Hydration mists (unlike tonics) can be used all day long to boost hydration levels.

    WHEN TO USE  Every morning & night before applying your serum or oil and throughout the day to boost hydration.  They can also be used over the top of mineral and organic make up. 

    HOW MUCH TO USE   2 to 3 sprays over the face & neck


    Superfood HydraMist, Best for sensitive, combination and problematic skin

    Vitamin C HydraMist, Best for dry, mature and dull skin

    Vitamin C HydraMist

     Step 5. Eye Products 

    Eye serums and creams are the only product that should be used inside the orbital bone. If you feel the bone under your eyebrows you will be able to feel it all the way round. The skin inside this area is much finer than the skin on the rest of your face and can become clogged or react if you use a product not designed to penetrate this skin.  We recommend applying these before your facial serums, oils and moisturisers. Serums go first followed by creams.

    WHEN TO USE  -  Every morning & night

    HOW MUCH TO USE  -  The size of a pea for both eyes


    Collagen Eye Serum, Serum All skin types, including sensitive

    Eye Q Cream, All skin types, including sensitive

    Eye Cream

    Step 6. Serums, Oils & Boosters

    These are the workhorse of any skincare routine.  Serums, treatment oils and boosters contain the highest concentration of active ingredients. Used correctly these are the products that bring you those results you can see and feel!  They require all of the above steps to effectively work.  Cleansing and exfoliation increases the penetration of these active’s, hydramists improve the delivery and moisturisers lock them in!

    WHEN TO USE  Follow product directions, some are designed for use at night and others can be used morning and night.

    HOW MUCH TO USE  The size of a 5c piece for the face or a 10c piece for face, neck & décolletage (chest area)


    HydraBoost Serum, Boosts water content for dehydration

    Multi-Active Pigment Control, Brightening serum for uneven & pigmented skin

    Vitamin C SkinBoostAnti-ageing serum with 20%Vitamin C

    Superfood DermaOil,  Nourishing, repairing, soothing, moisture boosting & anti-ageing

    Redness Relief PhytoGel, Reduces redness and hydrates 

    Superfood Oil

    Step 7. Moisturising

    Moisturisers contain a blend of lipids and water with an emulsifier to bind the two together and deliver actives to the skin. The molecular weight is larger than serums and treatment oils targeting the upper layers of the epidermis. They deliver and lock in vital skin nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They protect the skin from environmental factors and trans epidermal water loss (TEWL).

    WHEN TO USE Morning and Night after applying your treatment serum or oil. Following with a sun protection product in the mornings.

    HOW MUCH TO USE The size of a 10c piece for the face or a 20c piece for face, neck & décolletage (chest area) .


    Superfood Moisturiser, Normal, sensitive, dehydrated and combination-dry skins. Young skins and people new to professional skincare.

    Probiotic Balance, Breakout prone, oily, combination-oily and sensitive with papules or pimple like bumps present. 

    Vitamin C Moisturiser, Anyone who wants to manage skin ageing, brightens skin tone, hydrates, smooths fine lines and wrinkles.

    Q10 Moisture Rich, Mature and dry skins who want an intensive moisturiser for anti-ageing and boost moisture levels.

    Superfood Moisturiser

    STEP 8.  UV PROTECTION (Day time only)

    Last but not least, protecting your skin from the sun! 

    UVA (ageing) & UVB (Burning) rays are a huge contributing factor to premature ageing, not to mention the risk of skin cancer from overexposure. Luckily you have options for protecting you skin from UV damage, many mineral makeups both liquid and powders contain an SPF (sun protection factor) and if you are only in the sun for short periods this may be all you need. If you are in the sun for over 15 minutes a day or the UV index is over 3 you should be applying a sunscreen daily.  This includes time in the car & sitting next to windows.

    There are 2 categories for sun protection, physical or chemical. To keep it simple chemical sunscreens react with the UV to expel it from your skin, and physically work as a shield to reflect and block absorption. We recommend a physical sunscreen as we aren't big fans of the ingredients found in chemical sunscreens and what they do to our environment. 

    WHEN TO USE  Every Morning!

    HOW MUCH TO USE  Ensure even coverage over your face, neck, chest and the back of your hands for daily use.


    Zinc Daily,(previously UV Daily Protect Moisturiser) All skin types, hydrating natural zinc base sun protectant for daily wear.

    Zinc Daily


    Want to give Lèkura a try? Use this code to receive 15% off your first order TRYME. 

    Questions? Send us a message to talk with one of our qualified Skincare Specialist

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    2 comentários

    • I never understood when to use a face mist or an oil, this is such good information. I have just made notes following all the steps to put on my bathroom mirror so I can get my routine in the right order! Please email me a copy

      Jasmine Craft
    • Thank you very much for this explanation! I have used your products for some time and this guide really helped me to understand how to use them more effectively.


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